Thursday, 11 June 2009

How to hide files in JPEG

Using a simple trick in Windows, you can actually hide a file inside of the JPG picture file!

You can actually hide any type of file inside of an image file, including txt, exe, mp3, avi, or whatever else. Not only that, you can actually store many files inside of single JPG file, not just one! This can come in very handy if you need to hide files and don’t want to bother with encryption and all that other technical stuff.

In order to accomplish this task, you will need to have either WinZip or WinRAR installed on your computer. You can download either of these two off the Internet and use them without having to pay anything. Here are the steps for creating your hidden stash:

--> Create a folder on your hard drive, i.e. C:\Test and put in all of the files that you want to hide into that folder. Also, place the image that you will be using to hide the files in.

--> Now select all of the files that you want to hide, right-click on them, and choose the option to add them to a compressed ZIP or RAR file. Only select the files you want to hide, not the picture. Name it whatever you want, i,e. “Hidden.rar”.

--> Now you should have a folder with files, a JPG image, and a compressed archive

--> Now here’s the fun part! Click on Start, and then click on Run. Type in “CMD” without the quotes and press Enter. You should now see the command prompt window open. Type in “CD \” to get to the root directory. Then type CD and the directory name that you created, i.e. “CD Test“.

--> Now type in the following line: “copy /b DSC06578.JPG + Hidden.rar DSC06578.jpg” and press Enter. Do not use the quotes. (we assume thet the jpeg image is named DSC06578.JPG )

Just make sure that you check the file extension on the compressed file, whether it is .ZIP or .RAR as you have to type out the entire file name with extension in the command. I have heard that some people say that they have had problems doing this with a .ZIP extension, so if that doesn’t work, make sure to compress to a .RAR file.

And that’s it! The picture file will have been updated with the compressed archive inside! You can actually check the file size of the picture and see that it has increased by the same amount as the size of the archive.

You can access your hidden file in two ways. Firstly, simply change the extension to .RAR and open the file using WinRAR. Secondly, you can just right-click on the JPG image and choose Open With and then scroll down to WinRAR. Either way, you’ll see your hidden files show up that you can then extract out.

Thats it you're done.

Firefox Increase the Number of Results in the Address Bar

Increase the Number of Results in the Address Bar

By default the address bar will always show 12 results in the drop-down menu, which is probably more than enough for most people. If you prefer to see more (or fewer) results you can alter how many items can be displayed with the following setting:

* Name: browser.urlbar.maxRichResults
* Preference Needs to be Created: No
* Preference Type: Integer
* Default Value: 12
* Possible values:
o The number of results you would like to appear in the address bar drop-down menu.

Firefox Session Restore Saving Frequency

Session Restore Saving Frequency

Whenever Firefox crashes it will try to restore all of your open tabs to the way they were. This has come in handy several times for me before, but sometimes I notice that it isn’t able to restore all of my tabs for me.

That’s because Firefox, by default, only saves the session restore data every 10 seconds, but you can configure that time interval to whatever you would like.

* Name: browser.sessionstore.interval
* Preference Needs to be Created: No
* Preference Type: Integer
* Default Value: 10000
* Possible values:
o The number of milliseconds between session restore saving. For example, entering in 1000 would cause the session restore data to be saved every 1 second, whereas a value of 20000 would make it happen every 20 seconds.

SMS Spoofing

SMS Spoofing! This Is The Most Awaited TUT. And Exclusively In OUG....!!

And The Main Thing It's Add Free!

1. Go Here "http : //www . smswarehouse . com/html/sms-register . html"

2. Then Fill All Fields "REMEMBER - Give Accurate number in mobile number field with 91"

3. In
*First Name: Field Write The Number Or Any word From Which U Want To Send The SMS. "SENDER ID"

4. Then Fill The Remaining Fields.

5. You Will Receive a Activation Code On Your Mobile.

6. Log in to your account and fill The activation code. And You Will Get 10 free sms.

7. When You Will Send sms Through it it will shou sender name or number which you entered in
*First Name:column

Guys Enjoy SPOOFING!

And Please Say Thanks For Such A great Topic!

Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Google tips

Below are some basic tips as well as some secrets that can be used on Google to help improve your search results and find things you may have never thought of.

  1. Group your search query to find better results. For example, if you're searching for computer help, you'll find better results if you search for an exact phrase by surrounding it in quotes: "computer help".
  2. If a lot of your results have keywords you're not search for use a minus sign. For example, if you're looking for computer help but don't want pages containing Windows type: "computer help" -windows
  3. Google supports number ranges, for example, if you're searching for computer help between the year 2000 to 2005 you can type: "Computer help" 2000..2005
  4. See the Google operators page, which lists dozens of the available operators Google allows. For example, the below search would search for URL that contains the word computer: allinurl: computer
  5. Visit the Google Features page, which lists hundreds of different examples of the type of things you can find through Google and how to find them.
  6. See our Google dictionary definition for a listing of dozens of other Google services.

Below are some more advance searches people are commonly looking for and what they do.

intitle:index.of + mp3 -asp -html -htm -php -pls -txt

In the above example, when entered into Google this search result looks for any index of MP3 files that does not contain the standard web pages like HTML, PHP, etc. or any other non-related pages. In the above example you can replace mp3 with avi or other file extension to search for these types of files.

intitle:index.of + mp3 "" -asp -html -htm -php -pls -txt

In the above example you could replace "" with the artists name, track, group, or name of the MP3 you're looking for. Keep in mind when downloading MP3 that you should own the track or song you're downloading otherwise it's considered illegal.


In the above simple example, Google will return results of insecure live web cams and with some of the services even allow you to control the cameras over the Internet.

The above three examples are just a few more advanced searches used to help illustrate how many different things can be found through Google.

Create short Internet addresses

Create easy to read and type Internet addresses from long convoluted addresses often found on popular sites such as Amazon, eBay, MapQuest, etc. by using online services that shrink the address. For example, the URL: become: Below are examples of sites that allow you to copy and paste any URL into them to make them smaller.

Google 10 tips

Below is a list of our top ten Google tricks many users don't know about.

  1. Definitions - Pull up the definition of the word by typing define followed by the word you want the definition for. For example, typing: define bravura would display the definition of that word.
  2. Local search - Visit Google Local enter the area you want to search and the keyword of the place you want to find. For example, typing: restaurantat the above link would display local restaurants.
  3. Phone number lookup - Enter a full phone number with area code to display the name and address associated with that phone number.
  4. Find weather - Type weather followed by a zip code or city and state to display current weather conditions and forecasts for upcoming days.
  5. Track airline flight - Enter the airline and flight number to display the status of an airline flight and it's arrival time. For example, type: delta 123 to display this flight information if available.
  6. Track packages - Enter a UPS, FedEx or USPS tracking number to get a direct link to track your packages.
  7. Pages linked to you - See what other web pages are linking to your website or blog by typing link: followed by your URL. For example, typinglink: displays all pages linking to This blog.
  8. Find PDF results only - Add filetype: to your search to display results that only match a certain file type. For example, if you wanted to display PDF results only type: "dell xps" filetype:pdf -- this is a great way to find online manuals.
  9. Calculator - Use the Google Search engine as a calculator by typing a math problem in the search. For example, typing: 100 + 200 would display results as 300.
  10. Stocks - Quickly get to a stock quote price, chart, and related links by typing the stock symbol in Google. For example, typing: msft will display the stock information for Microsoft.