Author: Tony Novoa
Basic Guide to remove a virus from our PCIF annoying that you have suffered a virus installed on your PC and do not know how to remove it, I present here a guide with simple steps to eliminate the virus in your PC, but first, it is important to note that these steps are not permanent, due to the fact that there are many solutions for your problem.First, I suggest that you run antivirus software installed on your PC, I recommend you install an antivirus program, because more than one can cause conflicts in PC.Step One: The diagnosis.If know that your PC has been symptoms of a virus that can be: a restart of the PC, the operating system or programs take too long to load for no apparent reason, if the size ranges software from anywhere, if the hard disk space or a lack of reports without this necessarily so, if the files are displayed with strange names and extensions ghosts, so maybe your computer is infected with the effects of virus.Il first thing you have to do is run the virus software, including ones that I personally recommend are: Kaspersky, Avira, BitDefender, is not the cheapest, but they are really good scan your PC for viruses. There are also anti-virus software that offer their services online through their websites, such as BitDefender Online, if you're interested, here is their website (see website), another virus that I strongly recommend Ewido is just that Antispyware (please visit) and what it does is to detect espionage and software.Step Side Two: The elimination of the virus. First of all, I recommend that you disable System,
antivirus protection, Restore, because there are viruses that have the ability to recover after each reboot, so it is necessary to navigate through the properties of my PC and check the box that inactivate System Restore or disable System Restore on all drives. After,
antivirus protection, that, restart the computer, but now evidence of a failure mode, and then re-run virus checks before it was updated, to be sure, always check with BitDefender Online and Ewido online.Step Three: Testing disinfection. If you've been in all previous steps and your PC no longer shows symptoms of infection, the desirable thing to do would be to carry out daily checks with antivirus, Ewido and BitDefender. Another program I recommend is CCleaner to delete cookies and temporary Internet files, you must do to ensure disinfection was successful, in addition to that, I advise you to defragment the hard drive from time to time only to accelerate,
antivirus protection, execute files and also have anti-virus software updated.Doing all this takes time, but you can be sure that after your PC is completely clean and ready for any virus that might show.
Tony Novoa System Engineer. Copyright 2009, (Please note source if reprinting this article.) Visit,, for more tips, skills, and insight on computers, internet, sms, dating, relationships, love, etc.